Results for 'Sheila R. Foster'

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  1.  19
    Can micropolitan areas bridge the urban-rural divide?Clayton P. Gillette & Sheila R. Foster - 2023 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 24 (2):93-117.
    In this Article, we explore a subset of the urban-rural divide and propose a mechanism for reducing its economic and political effects within that limited realm. Specifically, we focus on the subset of rural areas that lie within what the Office of Management and Budget defines as micropolitan areas. Micropolitan areas are characterized by an urban area with a population between 10,000 and 50,000, and adjacent rural counties. Data suggest that rural areas within micropolitan regions do better economically than rural (...)
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    Using team science in vascularized composite allotransplantation to improve team and patient outcomes.Joan M. Griffin, Cassie C. Kennedy, Kasey R. Boehmer, Ian G. Hargraves, Hatem Amer & Sheila G. Jowsey-Gregoire - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Reconstructive allografts using Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation are providing individuals living with upper limb loss and facial disfigurement with new opportunities for a sensate, esthetically acceptable, and functional alternative to current treatment strategies. Important research attention is being paid to how best to assess and screen candidates for VCA, measure optimal patient outcomes, and support patient adherence to lifelong behaviors and medical regimens. Far less attention, however, has been dedicated to the team science required for these complex VCA teams to form, (...)
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    Marseille as model.Sheila R. Crane - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (6):1036-1039.
    Les Grammaires d'une ville: Essai sur la genèse des structures urbaines à Marseille. By Marcel Roncayolo (Paris: EHESS, 1996), 507 pp., FF 380, paper.
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    On Modulated Logics for 'Generally' : Some Metamathematical Issues.Sheila R. M. Veloso & Paulo A. S. Veloso - unknown
  5. Varieties and Directions of Interdomain Influence in Metaphor.John A. Barnden, Sheila R. Glasbey, Mark G. Lee & Alan M. Wallington - 2004 - Metaphor and Symbol 19 (1):1-30.
    We consider the varieties and directions of influence that the source and target domains involved in a conceptual metaphor can have on each other during the course of understanding metaphorical utterances based on the metaphor. Previous studies have been restricted both as to direction of influence and as to type of influence. They have been largely confined to the “forward” (source to target) direction of influence, and they have concentrated on the transfer of features or propositions and (to some extent) (...)
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    Involving Study Populations in the Review of Genetic Research.Richard R. Sharp & Morris W. Foster - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (1):41-51.
    Research on human genetic variation can present collective risks to all members of a socially identifiable group. Research that associates race or ethnicity with a genetic disposition to disease, for example, presents risks of group discrimination and stigmatization. To better protect against these risks, some have proposed supplemental community-based reviews of research on genetic differences between populations. The assumption behind these appeals is that involving members of study populations in the review process can help to identify and minimize collective risks (...)
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    On Ultrafilter Logic and Special Functions.Paulo A. S. Veloso & Sheila R. M. Veloso - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (3):459-477.
    Logics for generally were introduced for handling assertions with vague notions,such as generally, most, several, etc., by generalized quantifiers, ultrafilter logic being an interesting case. Here, we show that ultrafilter logic can be faithfully embedded into a first-order theory of certain functions, called coherent. We also use generic functions (akin to Skolem functions) to enable elimination of the generalized quantifier. These devices permit using methods for classical first-order logic to reason about consequence in ultrafilter logic.
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    Squares in Fork Arrow Logic.Renata P. De Freitas, Jorge P. Viana, Mario R. F. Benevides, Sheila R. M. Veloso & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (4):343 - 355.
    In this paper we show that the class of fork squares has a complete orthodox axiomatization in fork arrow logic (FAL). This result may be seen as an orthodox counterpart of Venema's non-orthodox axiomatization for the class of squares in arrow logic. FAL is the modal logic of fork algebras (FAs) just as arrow logic is the modal logic of relation algebras (RAs). FAs extend RAs by a binary fork operator and are axiomatized by adding three equations to RAs equational (...)
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  9. On fork arrow logic and its expressive power.Paulo A. S. Veloso, Renata P. de Freitas, Petrucio Viana, Mario Benevides & Sheila R. M. Veloso - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (5):489 - 509.
    We compare fork arrow logic, an extension of arrow logic, and its natural first-order counterpart (the correspondence language) and show that both have the same expressive power. Arrow logic is a modal logic for reasoning about arrow structures, its expressive power is limited to a bounded fragment of first-order logic. Fork arrow logic is obtained by adding to arrow logic the fork modality (related to parallelism and synchronization). As a result, fork arrow logic attains the expressive power of its first-order (...)
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  10. What makes a theory physically “complete”?Andrew Elby, Harvey R. Brown & Sara Foster - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (7):971-985.
    Three claims about what makes a theory “physically complete” are (1) Shimony's assertion that a complete theory says “all there is to say” about nature; (2) EPR's requirement that a complete theory describe all “elements of reality”; and (3) Ballentine and Jarrett's claim that a “predictively complete” theory must obey a condition used in Bell deviations. After introducing “statistical completeness” as a partial formalization of (1), we explore the logical and motivational relationships connecting these completeness conditions. We find that statistical (...)
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  11.  60
    Grappling with groups: Protecting collective interests in biomedical research.Richard R. Sharp & Morris W. Foster - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (4):321 – 337.
    Strategies for protecting historically disadvantaged groups have been extensively debated in the context of genetic variation research, making this a useful starting point in examining the protection of social groups from harm resulting from biomedical research. We analyze research practices developed in response to concerns about the involvement of indigenous communities in studies of genetic variation and consider their potential application in other contexts. We highlight several conceptual ambiguities and practical challenges associated with the protection of group interests and argue (...)
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  12.  42
    Clinical utility and full disclosure of genetic results to research participants.Richard R. Sharp & Morris W. Foster - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):42 – 44.
  13.  22
    Feeling and facial efference: Implications of the vascular theory of emotion.R. B. Zajonc, Sheila T. Murphy & Marita Inglehart - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (3):395-416.
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    An ethical framework for automated, wearable cameras in health behavior research.Paul Kelly, Simon J. Marshall, Hannah Badland, Jacqueline Kerr, Melody Oliver, Aiden R. Doherty & Charlie Foster - unknown
    Technologic advances mean automated, wearable cameras are now feasible for investigating health behaviors in a public health context. This paper attempts to identify and discuss the ethical implications of such research, in relation to existing guidelines for ethical research in traditional visual methodologies. Research using automated, wearable cameras can be very intrusive, generating unprecedented levels of image data, some of it potentially unflattering or unwanted. Participants and third parties they encounter may feel uncomfortable or that their privacy has been affected (...)
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    The Presence of Ethics Codes and Employees’ Internal Locus of Control, Social Aversion/Malevolence, and Ethical Judgment of Incivility: A Study of Smaller Organizations.Sean R. Valentine, Sheila K. Hanson & Gary M. Fleischman - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):657-674.
    Workplace incivility is a current challenge in organizations, including smaller firms, as is the development of programs that enhance employees’ treatment of coworkers and ethical decision making. Ethics programs in particular might attenuate tendencies toward interpersonal misconduct, which can harm ethical reasoning. Consequently, this study evaluated the relationships among the presence of ethics codes and employees’ locus of control, social aversion/malevolence, and ethical judgments of incivility using information secured from a sample of businesspersons employed in smaller organizations. Results indicated that (...)
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    A Stakeholder Approach to the Ethicality of BRIC-firm Managers' Use of Favors.Daniel J. McCarthy, Sheila M. Puffer, Denise R. Dunlap & Alfred M. Jaeger - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (1):27-38.
    This article investigates the use of favors by managers of BRIC firms to accomplish business goals, the ethicality of which should be determined by the moral reasoning in these countries rather than from a developed country perspective. We define a favor as an exchange of outcomes between individuals, typically utilizing one's connections, that is based on a commonly understood cultural tradition, with reciprocity by the receiver typically not being immediate, and its value being less than what would constitute bribery within (...)
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  17.  52
    A New Climate for Society.Sheila Jasanoff - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):233-253.
    This article argues that climate change produces discordances in established ways of understanding the human place in nature, and so offers unique challenges and opportunities for the interpretive social sciences. Scientific assessments such as those of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change helped establish climate change as a global phenomenon, but in the process they detached knowledge from meaning. Climate facts arise from impersonal observation whereas meanings emerge from embedded experience. Climate science thus cuts against the grain of common sense (...)
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  18. Constitutional Moments in Governing Science and Technology.Sheila Jasanoff - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):621-638.
    Scholars in science and technology studies (STS) have recently been called upon to advise governments on the design of procedures for public engagement. Any such instrumental function should be carried out consistently with STS’s interpretive and normative obligations as a social science discipline. This article illustrates how such threefold integration can be achieved by reviewing current US participatory politics against a 70-year backdrop of tacit constitutional developments in governing science and technology. Two broad cycles of constitutional adjustment are discerned: the (...)
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    Cardiovascular and nervous system changes during meditation.Steven R. Steinhubl, Nathan E. Wineinger, Sheila Patel, Debra L. Boeldt, Geoffrey Mackellar, Valencia Porter, Jacob T. Redmond, Evan D. Muse, Laura Nicholson, Deepak Chopra & Eric J. Topol - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20. Insights & Perspectives.Jacques Dubochet, Sheila Ommeh, Aidan Budd, Mtakai Vald Ngara, Isaac Njaci, Etienne P. de Villiers, Erin E. Gill, Fiona Sl Brinkman, John R. Speakman & Colin Selman - unknown - Bioessays 33:240 - 242.
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  21.  38
    (2 other versions)Recent Acquisitions: Correspondence.Sheila Turcon - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (1):92-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RECENT ACQUISITIONS: CORRESPONDENCE Recent Acquisitions: Correspondence 93 SHEILA TURCON The Bertrand Russell Archives McMaster University Libraty A.d •• PORTMItIRION HOTEL DEUDRAETU" CASTLE HOTEL PORTMEIRION PENINSULA : PENRHYNDEUDRAETH-·NORTHWALES -Telegrams & Telephone 39 - Passe"gers & G~ods Sialio", G,w'R. A.y Tile M)'Uoa a: M....W. Atehem. 8brewlbDry. T he last update of correspondence, completed in spring 1990 / listed a huge backlog. Since then, I have devised a new method of (...)
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  22.  75
    The routinisation of genomics and genetics: implications for ethical practices.M. W. Foster, C. D. M. Royal & R. R. Sharp - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):635-638.
    Among bioethicists and members of the public, genetics is often regarded as unique in its ethical challenges. As medical researchers and clinicians increasingly combine genetic information with a range of non-genetic information in the study and clinical management of patients with common diseases, the unique ethical challenges attributed to genetics must be re-examined. A process of genetic routinisation that will have implications for research and clinical ethics, as well as for public conceptions of genetic information, is constituted by the emergence (...)
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  23.  55
    Regulating Research and Experimentation: A View from the UK.Sheila A. M. McLean - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):604-612.
    A medical profession which did not seek improved means to conquer disease would be condemned for dereliction of its duty, Members of the public will not accept the current state of the medical arts as finite but feel justified in expecting the development of more effective therapies for illness, and the promotion of improved means of preventive care.With this assertion, the distinguished academic, Bernard Dickens, places research firmly in the domain of the public interest. Foster agrees, saying that, “[t]o (...)
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  24.  25
    Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City- State (review).Sheila Murnaghan - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):316-319.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-StateSheila MurnaghanSeaford, Richard. Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-State. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xx + 455 pp. Cloth, $75.00.In his stellar commentary on Euripides’ Cyclops, and in a string of impressive and suggestive articles, Richard Seaford has already established himself as our era’s leading expert on a question that is both perennial and currently pressing: (...)
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    More on Polanyi and Tillich on Participative Knowing.R. Melvin Keiser, Durwood Foster, Richard Gelwick & Donald Musser - 2010 - Tradition and Discovery 37 (3):19-27.
    This discussion, featuring short comments by R. Melvin Keiser, Durwood Foster, Richard Gelwick and Donald Musser, grew out of articles in TAD 35:3 (2008-2009) on connections and disconnections between the thought of Polanyi and Tillich (featuring essays by Foster and Gelwick with a response from Musser). Keiser raises questions about perspectives articulated in the earlier articles and Foster, Gelwick and Musser respond here.
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  26. Ethical implications of implantable radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags in humans.Kenneth R. Foster & Jan Jaeger - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):44 – 48.
    This article reviews the use of implantable radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags in humans, focusing on the VeriChip (VeriChip Corporation, Delray Beach, FL) and the associated VeriMed patient identification system. In addition, various nonmedical applications for implanted RFID tags in humans have been proposed. The technology offers important health and nonhealth benefits, but raises ethical concerns, including privacy and the potential for coercive implantation of RFID tags in individuals. A national discussion is needed to identify the limits of acceptable use of (...)
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  27.  41
    Russell on Particularized Relations.Thomas R. Foster - 1983 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 3 (2):129.
  28. Engineering the brain.Kenneth R. Foster - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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  29. Engineering the brain.Kenneth R. Foster - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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    Legends of the Kings of Akkade: The Texts.Benjamin R. Foster & Joan Goodnick Westenholz - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (4):704.
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  31. Symmetrical Universes and the Identity of Indiscernibles.Thomas R. Foster - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 8:169-183.
    The view that numerical difference entails qualitative difference has come under attack from various quarters. One classical attack, advanced by Black, involves possible worlds which are symmetrical. In a symmetrical world, it is claimed, the identity of indiscernibles is false. I argue that such attacks are mistaken, basically because they confuse epistemological issues (such as, how to specify a quality difference) with ontological ones (such as, whether there is such a quality difference). In brief, though there may be some reasons (...)
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  32. Luo, Y., B23.R. Baillargeon, S. Bick, F. Costa, K. Foster, P. Frasconi, N. Gadd, B. K. Hayes, J. Hoffmann & M. H. Johnson - 2003 - Cognition 88:331.
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  33. Variation of red-green dichromats' colour constancy in natural scenes.R. C. Baraas, D. H. Foster, K. Amano & S. M. C. Nascimento - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 44-44.
    The aim of this study was to test red - green dichromats' ability to discriminate between illuminant and surface-reflectance changes in natural scenes. Stimuli were simulations of natural scenes presented on a colour monitor with 10-bit resolution per gun. The natural scenes were obtained with a fast hyperspectral imaging system. Six different scenes (including rocks, foliage, and buildings) were tested. In each trial, two images were presented in sequence, each for 1 s, with no interval. The images differed in the (...)
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    Adapa and the South Wind: Language Has the Power of Life and Death.Benjamin R. Foster & Shlomo Izre'el - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):865.
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    Altakkadisches Elementarbuch. By Francis Breyer.Benjamin R. Foster - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    Altakkadisches Elementarbuch. By Francis Breyer. SILO, vol. 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014. Pp. xiv + 263, illus. €28.
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    Altorientalische Forschungen I.Benjamin R. Foster, Helmut Freydank, Friedmar Geissler, Horst Klengel Werner Sundermann & Peter Zieme - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):599.
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    Archaic Myths of the Orient and the Occident.Benjamin R. Foster & Igor M. Diakonoff - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):361.
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    Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture, Vol. 7: Domestic Animals of Mesopotamia, part I.Benjamin R. Foster & Sumerian Agriculture Group - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):729.
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    Cartwright, Giorgione, and the Principle of Substitutivity.Thomas R. Foster - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:235-241.
    Philosophers have both produced as well as replied to a number of alleged "counter-examples" to the rule of substitution. Recently, Cartwright has urged that the standard reply to at least one of them is inadequate. The counter-example he singles out is:1). Giorgioni is so-called because of his size.2). Giorgiori = Barbarelli :3). Barbarelli is so-called because of his size.Cartwright argues that since 1) and 2) are true while 3) false, substitution has failed. It is argued in reply that, contrary to (...)
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  40.  11
    Ea’s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story. By Martin Worthington.Benjamin R. Foster - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (2).
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    Early Mesopotamian Land SalesEarliest Land Tenure Systems in the near East: Ancient Kudurrus.Benjamin R. Foster, Ignace J. Gelb, Piotr Steinkeller & Robert M. Whiting - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):440.
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    Economic Structures of Antiquity.Benjamin R. Foster & Morris Silver - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):762.
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  43. Engineering the mind.Kenneth R. Foster - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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    Fertile Ground.R. Spencer Foster - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:203-214.
    The environmental movement continues to be a dynamic force for protection of the environment despite new organizations emerging from the “birthing” process of the formation of new groups via factions and schisms. I focus on two aspects of the evolution of the environmental movement: how do new organizations emerge from existing environmental groups via benevolent or divisive mechanisms; and, which organizations produce new organizations? I develop a family tree of the American environmental movement from 1955 – 2005 and identify the (...)
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    Gilgamesch-Epos und Erra-Lied: Zu einem Aspekt des Verbalsystems.Benjamin R. Foster & Hans Hirsch - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (3):650.
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  46. Marriage and Family Relationships.R. G. Foster - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):150-150.
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    Mesopotamien: Akkade-Zeit und Ur III-Zeit. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Vol. 160.3.Benjamin R. Foster, Walther Sallaberger & Aage Westenholz - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):671.
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  48. Old babylonian inscriptions, edicts, and tariffs.Benjamin R. Foster - 1995 - In K. D. Irani & Morris Silver, Social justice in the ancient world. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 165.
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  49. On speculative thought in ancient Mesopotamia.Benjamin R. Foster - 2016 - In Kurt A. Raaflaub, The adventure of the human intellect: self, society and the divine in ancient world cultures. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Philosophy at the chicago exposition.R. M. Foster - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2 (1):124-128.
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